Now I don't have to be afraid of the rain for the chore of keeping my Harley clean just got a whole lot easier.
I am absolutely enthralled on how well your product works. As the new owner of a 2010 Harley Davidson CVO Softail, that has just about everything chromed, I was throughly dejected at the thought of how in the heck I was going to clean my bike after my first ride in a rainstorm. And it was a first in six month, sixty mile downpour through the Arizona desert at that. I had the image of huge water spots and hours of cleaning and re-polishing. As I put my bike up on the lift, my neighbor, with a huge smile on his face, came over to see how I enjoyed my first ride in the thunderstorm. I asked him, for he is a very experienced motorcycle guy, what kind of soap I should use. Car soap? Dishwasher soap? Window-washer soap? He told me to wait and came back with this stuff called S100. He told me how to use it and handed me the bottle. I was absolutely floored as I watched the road the road grime, bugs, and dirt I didn’t even know was there as I was spraying the S100. Within 45 minutes my Harley was back to shiny and beautiful with glistening chrome. Needless to say I went out and bought a bottle for myself and another bottle for my friend who told me about you. Really great to know this product is out there. Now I don’t have to be afraid of the rain for the chore of keeping my Harley clean just got a whole lot easier.
Trent Y.
Phoenix, AZ